Distance Learning

During periods of distance learning Class Dojo will be used to send out notices and learning activities for the day

and / or week.

In addition to what teachers send out here is a list other possible learning activities for your children. You and your

child can pick and mix from the list or come up with ideas of your own. There is a range of digital and non-digital ideas.

During this time we are looking to help our students maintain and enjoy their learning rather than focusing on extending

their learning. We do not expect learning at home to be from 9 - 3, have a daily schedule, parents to create mini lessons

or battle with children to get them to an activity. Do what works for you and your family.

As you can see from the list of possible home learning activities we value the day to day things you do with your children

- this is very powerful learning for children. We do not expect you to take the place of teachers and we are here to

support you in any way that we can. Perhaps aim for some form of prayer, reading, writing, maths and

physical activity (outdoor) everyday. During the week add in some life learning. If things become too stressful then

reduce what you are trying to do and just use this time that has been gifted to us to enjoy with your child.

Pause, breathe, smile and try not to worry about your child regressing in school. Children all around the world are in

this position and they will be okay. When we are all back at school we will again meet the children where they are.

Teachers are experts at this!

Here’s a very good quote I have borrowed from an unknown author:

If I can leave you with one thing, it’s this: at the end of all this, your child’s mental health will be more important than

their academic skills. And how they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they

did during the 4 weeks or so. So keep that in mind every single day.

What our children need during lock downs is to feel loved and comforted. It is important that they feel like it is all going

to be okay. That might mean that you need to put all academic learning aside and simply focus on giving them lots

of love and attention.

All teachers will be available to be contacted either through Class Dojo, Email or Google Classroom during normal

school hours. They will do their best to reply to you quickly but remember they have families that they will be looking

after too. You can also contact me with any concerns or queries, or to share some of the wonderful things that you

and tamariki are doing, by email principal@stmarysavondale.school.nz